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Mommy, Teach Me How to Cook

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Avtor: Emilija Pavlič
Založba: Samozaložba
Leto izida: 2014
Vezava: Trda vezava
Dimenzije: 27.5 x 22 cm
Število strani: 181
ISBN: 9789619061572
In a flood of modern cook books this book by Emilija Pavlič stands out. She tells us how healthy life with “live” food that grows around us is. She guides us through the seasons and accompanies us as we travel through the amazing variety provided by nature’s heavily laden table each month.
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Redna cena: 30,00 €
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Spletna cena: 28,50 €
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In a flood of modern cook books this book by Emilija Pavlič stands out. She tells us how healthy life with “live” food that grows around us is. She guides us through the seasons and accompanies us as we travel through the amazing variety provided by nature’s heavily laden table each month.

Seasonal food is the law of healthy living in Emilija’s eyes since the human species through evolution adapted to the changing seasons and the local conditions for survival. Naturally a vegetable garden is a must considering healthy food only grows in healthy soil. Homemade food is our doctor. In this book Emilija takes the role of a teacher at the primary school of cooking and of an expert at the university of natural food which is why both children and adults, housewives and cooking professors can learn from her. 

The best dish is one that goes off the quickest. - The content of the book constantly reminds us of the fact that food is a cultural blessing and part of our cultural heritage, just like buildings, munuments, old books or folk traditions such as fairy tales and folk stories. The author of this book sees food preparation as some sort of a ritual wich turns food into a work of art and kichen into a workshop. “Food is like a painting,” the author writes.

As I was reading Emilija,s book I realised more and more how extremely important her mission is. Her book carries important messages for the modern man who is being caught in the menacing whirlpool of economic, energetic, food and health crises. At the very core is the world food crisis which is why Emilija,s book is more than just a cook guide; it is a manual that connects the wisdom of our forefathers to the new culture of survival.

If your child surprises you with the request:”Mommy, Teach Me How to Cook!” and puts you in a difficuld position, read this wonderful book written by Emilija Pavlič, and use the recipes in everyday life. You will get to know the magical powers of homemade food.

(Anton Komat, indenpendent researcher)

Healthy food is a child’s right - The ingredients and the order of the recipes for the dishes presented in book Mommy, Teach Me How to Cook, follow all the modern recommendatons considering healthy, protective, Mediterranean, natural food with less salt, fat and sugar. In these times when poverty is present in many families this kind of attitude towards food is good and also important for the family,s budget.

The special value of this book is in its environmental awareness since healthy cooking is energy-saving and environment-friendly. It is this characteristic that makes this book unique. In this book Emilija Pavlič combines her rich experience in the field of children,s food with a set of her own life wisdoms and proves to be an expert who enlightens people and educates them with enthusiasm and love.

The book impressed me with its simplyicity and applicability to life wich is why I recommend it to all parents, young and adults who would like to do something positive for themselves, the health of children and our common future. Read it and test it in your own kitchens and you will see how healthy and beneficial the delicate food on Emilija Pavlič,s plate is.

(Marta Semič Maršič, MD Paediatric specialist)



  • https://www.primorske.si/plus/sobota/emilija-pavlic-ce-ne-bo-zdrave-mladine-ne-bo-pokoj
  • https://www.24ur.com/magazin/emilija-pavlic.html
  • https://www.bodieko.si/emilija-pavlic-kar-je-dobro-za-odrasle-ni-vedno-dobro-za-otroke
  • https://www.caszazemljo.si/trajnostno/priljubljena-kuharica-emilija-pavlic-poletni-vitamini-so-dota-za-pozimi.html
  • https://arhiv.onaplus.delo.si/emilija-pavlic-kruh-pecem-sama-da-vem-kaj-jem/

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