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New World Philosophy for You

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Avtor: David Cigoj
Založba: Samozaložba
Leto izida: 2023
Vezava: Trda vezava
Dimenzije: 24.5 x 17.5 cm
ISBN: 9789610715610
Planet Earth is in a big mess. Our time is running out. We can survive only by developing away from the present state of existence. Luckily, in recent decades human sciences have produced a fascinating quantity of knowledge on human development and living a good life. Until now, this knowledge has been scattered across thousands of books and articles. Finally, it is available in one place, in one book.
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Planet Earth is in a big mess. Our time is running out. We can survive only by developing away from the present state of existence. Luckily, in recent decades human sciences have produced a fascinating quantity of knowledge on human development and living a good life. Until now, this knowledge has been scattered across thousands of books and articles. Finally, it is available in one place, in one book.

Our mental world is in turmoil. In the labyrinth of clashing ideas, ideologies, and religions, we finally have new, clear directionality – consciousness development and a good life for all. For this we need to be ever more free, empowered, loving and responsible. It offers science-based knowledge, so it is not about believing but understanding and knowing. That's why everybody can consent to it and accept it.

The total mess caused by human insanity, lasting for thousands of years, has caused a great deal of trauma, suffering and many premature deaths. Old spiritual and religious traditions cast light throughout this period. Now major transformation is needed and NWP provides us with the required knowledge. Change can result from just reading the book.

Very few people function optimally and know how to live well. The cost of this is huge. Thousands of scientists have been researching well-being for many years. Their knowledge has been merged with human development knowledge and is available to every individual and to political leaders. Thriving and developing in a dysfunctional environment is almost impossible. That's why NWP conveys the knowledge of individual, cultural, societal and universal levels, since they influence each other.

In the existing mental chaos, numerous snake oil vendors sell unrealistic expectations and mislead people. In the deteriorating circumstances we need to be focused on mental hygiene, truth and transparency while staying optimistic. 

Ideas and knowledge can sell well. Some individuals would charge many thousands of dollars to deliver the knowledge contained in the NWP. I think that this knowledge should be available to everyone at an easily affordable price, if not free of charge. At the moment, the system of collecting and spreading this knowledge creates costs, which need to be covered by selling books and by other commercial activities. 

In the eyes of most people today the future is dystopic. However, there is hope and optimism, but only if we decide for it, prepare for it and apply the change in our lives. And we need to do it on the massive scale. That's why NWP needs you too. New World Philosophy is a meta theory explaining a human development model and a human development process. It can be used to make this world a better place by improving ourselves and living better. Understanding it well is a life-long challenge, but a very exciting one.


David Cigoj was born at the crossroads of Europe, between Italy and Eastern Europe, between the Balkans and the Germanic world. He worked for almost twenty years in an intensive cross-cultural environment. Trying to figure out the characteristics of various cultures has been his main ancillary activity since his mid teenage years.

  • Ph.D. student of sociology
  • 4 years in international trade
  • 3 years in journalism
  • 19 years following financial markets and investing
  • 19 years guiding tours across the world




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