Košarica je prazna
Knjiga avtorja: | Špela Kuhar, Robert Potokar |
Založba: | Beletrina |
Leto izida: | 2024 |
Vezava: | Mehka vezava |
Dimenzije: | 24.5 x 16 cm |
Število strani: | 184 |
ISBN: | 9789612980207 |
za naročila nad 40 €.
Naročila oddana do 12.00 odpošljemo isti dan.
98 % izdaj je na zalogi.
‘Ljubljana is our town,’ say Špela and Robert, believing that it has just the right amount of everything. It is urban, but you are never more than a few minutes away from the nearest park or forest. It has a charming old centre that combines architecture of the past and present. It has a castle on a hill, and below it a river along which the town has developed.
It has picturesque suburbs such as Trnovo, Prule, Šiška and Koseze, all with interesting destinations to visit if you have time to spare. It has its architect Jože Plečnik, a master who has marked the town as few architects have marked any single town anywhere in the world. Ljubljana also has the Cukrarna, the National Gallery, the Museum of Modern Art and numerous other venues for cultural escapes. We also find Slovene creativity in many shops as well as in the streets. The capital’s culinary offerings have also seen a boom in recent years. We invite you to explore the best Ljubljana has to offer!
Špela Kuhar (1967) je arhitektka, soustanoviteljica Centra arhitekture Slovenije, vzgojno-izobraževalnega programa Igriva arhitektura ter blagovne znamke Darilo slovenske arhitekture. Je članica organizacijskega odbora Piranskih dnevov arhitekture, avtorica in soavtorica knjig in člankov s področja arhitekture in arhitekturne pedagogike. Prejela je številne nagrade, med njimi dvakrat mednarodno nagrado Piranesi.
Robert Potokar (1965) je arhitekt, vodja arhitekturnega biroja Ravnikar Potokar, ki ga je ustanovil z Vojtehom Ravnikarjem. S soavtorji je na javnih natečajih prejel 25 prvih nagrad in izvedel številne nagrajene projekte, za katere je med drugim dvakrat prejel priznanje Piranesi, trikrat zlati svinčnik ZAPS in leseno ikono. Je gostujoči predavatelj na Fakulteti za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo v Mariboru.
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