Košarica je prazna
Knjiga avtorja: | Več avtorjev |
Založba: | Didakta |
Leto izida: | 2023 |
Vezava: | Trda s ščitnim ovitkom |
Dimenzije: | 25 x 19 cm |
Število strani: | 168 |
ISBN: | 9789612617110 |
za naročila nad 40 €.
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98 % izdaj je na zalogi.
Here are presented traditional stories, handed down orally from generation to generation, which helped our ancestors to better understand the world, to learn what is good and right, dangerous or bad, and how to behave in nature and society.
This book presents narratives frometiological folklore which explain how the world and living beingswere created, tales about mythical animals, magical beings residing in nature, twilight apparitions andmagical beings connected with underground treasures, wandering souls, fairytale beings, witches,wizards and magical healers, and tales about heroes and historicalcharacters.
All ofthe folktales are faithful to their original version that was transmitted orally in dialect, but are presented, for reasons of clarity, in the standard language.
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